NEW CAWAII A wide-brimmed hat with a floral motif made of different materials and a cute ribbon on the back SALE ¥5,482
NEW CAWAII A medium length dress with a soft floral pattern and a ribbon swaying from the back SALE ¥7,270
NEW CAWAII A medium-sized dress with a three-dimensional bouquet that lies in your heart SALE ¥13,560
NEW CAWAII No need for gloves - warm knitwear that keeps you warm all the way to the instep SALE ¥7,866
NEW CAWAII A light-colored floral hat made of UV-cut material that can withstand the sun. SALE ¥4,970
NEW CAWAII A gorgeous pink floral hat made of UV-cut material that can withstand the sun. SALE ¥4,970